today, there's a solid argument for keeping the skyways

an excellent 99% invisible episode about the minneapolis skyways. these are truly a mixed bag. but today, it was -19F when i woke up. at midday, it’s -10F. we definitely need to do something about the unwelcoming nature of the skyways. i’m not ready to give up on them yet. – meta location: Minneapolis weather: -9.4°F and Clear

February 14, 2021 · steve ulrich

policy/ideological consistency and polarization

misc. reading … The researchers set out to better understand recent studies showing that self-described liberals are likelier than people who call themselves conservative to shield themselves from contact with their ideological out-group, including by blocking them on social media and cutting out would-be friends because of their views. … For example, data from the 2018 Cooperative Congressional Election Study corroborated the asymmetry between the groups, showing that liberals are more likely than conservatives to report both blocking and being blocked over political differences....

February 10, 2021 · steve ulrich

when the news is an attack on you personally

largely apropos of nothing given the state of things these days. the article is primarily interesting to me given the author author and the candor. Having been cosseted by self-validating coverage for so long, many Americans now consider any news that might suggest that they are in error or that their side has been defeated as an attack on them personally. The lie that Trump won the 2020 election wasn’t nearly as much aimed at the opposing party as it was at the news outlets that stated the obvious, incontrovertible fact....

February 1, 2021 · steve ulrich

even satan disappointed by GOP

so many gems in this piece. And make no mistake, I hate war. Sure, all the people responsible for the millions of deaths get tormented with Ben Shapiro’s audiobook version of Lolita on full volume for all of time. But you know what happens to the millions of innocent people? They go UP, not DOWN. … Donald Trump is refusing to pay Rudy Giuliani’s legal fees? I mean, I’m not surprised....

January 18, 2021 · steve ulrich