the doomsday invention

I arrived before he did, and waited in a hallway between two conference rooms. A plaque indicated that one of them was the Arkhipov Room, honoring Vasili Arkhipov, a Soviet naval officer. During the Cuban missile crisis, Arkhipov was serving on a submarine in the Caribbean when U.S. destroyers set off depth charges nearby. His captain, unable to establish radio contact with Moscow, feared that the conflict had escalated and ordered a nuclear strike....

May 8, 2021 · steve ulrich

130 degrees

“For one thing, engineers have done their work and done it well. About a decade ago the price of renewable energy began to plummet, and that decline keeps accelerating. The price per kilowatt hour of solar power has fallen 82 percent since 2010—this spring in the sunny deserts of Dubai the winning bid for what will be the world’s largest solar array came in at not much more than a penny....

May 8, 2021 · steve ulrich

lest we think that anti-science stupidity is confined to our shores

The Antiscience Movement Is Escalating, Going Global and Killing Thousands it’s interesting to see how repbulican’s pick and choose on the science that they want to believe in. but this kind of willfull ignorance seems to be spilling beyond the US in alarming ways. i’m clearly not tracking the political developments in other countries, but this is more than a little shocking. The full antiscience agenda of the Republican Party has now gone beyond our national borders....

April 1, 2021 · steve ulrich

climate switches

He points out that, in IPCC jargon, “very unlikely” translates to a probability of less than 10 percent. But if a nuclear reactor in your neighborhood had a less-than-10-percent likelihood of blowing up, he asked, “would you be reassured?” – meta location: Lanesboro weather: 41°F and Partly Cloudy

March 28, 2021 · steve ulrich