07-Jul, 2022 - morning links, etc.

links, etc A six-figure income is needed to comfortably afford a home in the Twin Cities, nation | MinnPost unsurprising. it’s not just houses, rents are going through the roof and building is a total pain in the ass. In Defense of Dollar Cost Averaging – Of Dollars And Data mock my lazy investment style all you want.

July 7, 2022 · steve ulrich

04-Jul, 2022 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc Hemingway’s Mysterious, Thrilling Style | The New Yorker how had i not read this before?

July 4, 2022 · steve ulrich

Jun 2022 - links, etc.

links, etc [2205.04193] SRv6: Is There Anybody Out There? i wonder how much press this will get from the SRv6 evangelism task force (aka cisco marketing)? I Should Be Able to Mute America much this. The Return of Industrial Warfare | Royal United Services Institute there’s a lot to unpack in this article. though, i’m not quite sure how i ran across it. the only plus side to rampant gun ownership in this country is the fact that there’s a robust market for small arms ammunition which might help ramp up production in wartime....

June 16, 2022 · steve ulrich

May 2022 - links, etc.

links, etc Exposed by a Strava KOM: The many lives of a fake pro cyclist - CyclingTips there’s so much in this article that’s just bonkers. A Fundraising Email from the Galactic Senate Majority Leader - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency this largely represents the state of my INBOX. having made a contribution to one politician has resulted in being spammed for months on end by a collection of politicians that i’ve never heard of in races i cannot summon the righteous angst for, particularly relative to the number of asks for my moolah they make....

May 2, 2022 · steve ulrich