07-Aug, 2022 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc Counterfeits, fraud, and theft: Why Silca changed its return policy - CyclingTips fraud everywhere, even for bicycle tire pumps. the stuff that is described here and the difficulties encountered in dealing with fraud on amazon is nothing short of eye popping. people returning bike pumps with garbage in the box, disassembled pumps for spare parts. sounds like disputing credit card charges from the business side is really painful.

August 7, 2022 · steve ulrich

07-Aug, 2022 - morning links, etc.

links, etc Trusted Hardware and Software: An Annotated Bibliography - Lawfare it’s so much worse than you think, but then, not as bad as you might think as well. The Real Villain in the Gentrification Story When local officials have had to create some new construction somewhere, they have turned to communities lacking political clout. Affordable-housing production in Washington, D.C., provides a clear example. Whereas the wealthy neighborhoods of Rock Creek West are just 1 percent of the way toward their goals, less exclusive neighborhoods have seen their supply swell....

August 7, 2022 · steve ulrich

06-Aug, 2022 - afternoon links, etc.

links, etc How I Found Sympathy for COVID Skeptics - The Atlantic there’s actually a lot to unpack in this. the reluctance to trust outside the bubbles that we have and the condescending judgement from those in different socio-economic strata. nicely makes the argument for grace. incidentally, “grace” is a word that seems, to me, fraught with baggage in a quasi-religious context. i’ve really come to appreciate the definition as “courteous goodwill”....

August 6, 2022 · steve ulrich

06-Aug, 2022 - morning links, etc.

links, etc Drew Magary explains how to go from bike hater to Bike Guy not reflective of anything personal (other than being a bike lover) i just love stories about people discovering how awesome it is to get out on a bike. The Billionaire’s Dilemma - The Atlantic NIMBYs are IMMENSELY annoying. Why Do Rich People Love Quiet? - The Atlantic am i the asshole? turns out, probably. the great irony here is the author’s puerto rican heritage....

August 6, 2022 · steve ulrich