a year in lockdown - internet traffic impacts

a year in lockdown: how the waves of COVID-19 impact internet traffic (PDF) if you’re in the internets biz, this is well worth sitting down to read. summary a group of european researchers look at traffic data from a variety of sources in the EU. an IXP, a university network, a large EU ISP, and a mobile operator. they have the benefit of a couple of years worth of flow and traffic records for comparison....

July 12, 2021 · steve ulrich

don't take the bet

this new yorker article requires a bit of pause. there’s a fair amount to embrace within this and a tacit call to pause your most angsty reactions to the past 4 years. “Never play a guy at his own game; nobody makes up a game in order to get beat at it.” … He didn’t say as much as he might have or as many might have wanted. But this was surely due to his conviction, and the conviction of his circle, that an atmosphere of aggravation can only work to the advantage of the permanently aggrieved....

July 12, 2021 · steve ulrich

damn you vlan 1

scenario you have a switch facing a firewall port and you’re seeing some spurious DHCPv6 hits against the native VLAN despite having no switchport native vlan being set on the trunk interface facing the firewall. a quick look at the link local addresses points at the switches themselves in the network. then you remember that you have cisco switches and that you need to check the most holy VLAN 1. mercifully, the following fixes this broke ass behavior....

July 6, 2021 · steve ulrich

fyrtur-tradfri homekit setup notes

we ended up putting the fyrtur blinds in our condo this month. these are an excellent value. a few nit-picky items that might be helpful for other folks that are considering these blinds. these notes are applicable only to my experience using homekit and ikea’s tradfri gateway. i assume that this stuff is a dumpster fire from a security perspective and i stick all home automation elements on a separate network segment far away from data i really care about....

June 27, 2021 · steve ulrich