you have to appreciate the dedication to execution ...

but the insanity and the darkness that follows is deeply disturbing. ...

September 4, 2011 · steve ulrich

fixing a lion nit

about those oh so annoying window animations, make them go away: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool NO

August 1, 2011 · steve ulrich

the jailbreak underground

little dude got a cell phone. this serves primarily as a means for him to arrange his own play dates and request items that he leaves at the household for which he’s not staying during the current week. not to mention leaving me incredibly terse and cryptic (he’s still learning about asymmetric communication) SMS messages. of course he nearly immediately fixed his gaze longingly upon the nearly discarded iphone 1st generations that were sitting on the shelf and he somehow persuaded me to see about jailbreaking the phone so he could use it for an upcoming trip....

July 13, 2011 · steve ulrich

oh emacs, you are the bombdiggity.

lately, i’ve been doing a lot of writing for work. test plans, paper outlines, summaries, etc. i don’t know what the deal has been but it’s been a notable shift in prose generation. despite the fact that my co-workers seem to do everything in MSFT word, i have a strong need to do at least the first cut in emacs. here are a few things that have made me most productive on the prose generation front....

July 13, 2011 · steve ulrich