pushing tasks into omnifocus from mutt

i have an entirely text based work flow. when i’m in (neo)mutt, i don’t want to have to touch my mouse or divert from the message in hand to push something into my omnifocus inbox. this is the simplest way to get this stuff into omnifocus. ...

June 22, 2012 · steve ulrich

algorithmic governments: civilization 2

there’s this epic reddit thread that’s been making its rounds. this guy played the same civ 2 game for 10 years. i’ve never been much of a gamer so civilization 2 has largely escaped my notice. this might actually be a game i could endorse for little dude but that’s actually a side point. in scanning through the comments, there were a number of interesting strategies suggested for working through the morass in the future....

June 13, 2012 · steve ulrich

oh burn.

snark done well… ...

May 20, 2012 · steve ulrich

lost cell phone project

this little gem has been sitting in my reading queue for a little while. it’s an interesting variant of the, “what would you do if you found someone’s wallet?” scenario. with everything sitting on your smart phone, you wonder why more folks don’t lean on the built in protections to secure their data. obviously, the punch line to the story is the notion that we simply can’t trust other people not to root around in our found personal stuff....

May 19, 2012 · steve ulrich