interesting reads - april-2013

tech related theia - a visual tool for diagnosing hadoop issues - a nice quick paper with a use of D3 for presentation. ...

May 10, 2013 · steve ulrich

enable google now

for personal reference and in the off chance it saves someone else the maze of twisty passages all alike i went through. ...

April 29, 2013 · steve ulrich


we just got back from two weeks in italy where we stayed in apartments through airbnb as opposed to our usual hotel hopping. as someone who spends a ton of time in hotels for the man this was a notable departure from business usual and something that we enjoyed immensely. this definitely puts a different twist on the personal travel experience almost all of it for the better. ...

January 6, 2013 · steve ulrich

useful stats for the new year

we’re wrapping up a couple weeks of holiday and one of the things that this always prompts is a bit of introspection about what’s useful and what’s not useful. of particular interest to me is culling cruft which brings me no value in terms of actionable information sources or things which manifest themselves as generating todo load. one of these sources for potential todo or mental load is the unread figure in my RSS reader....

January 3, 2013 · steve ulrich